It’s easy

Fill out the form below to create your debit card travel alert.

  • Note: Account Password is not your online log in password. The Account Password was supplied by you as an identifier for reference when you contact us. It may be necessary for us to contact you in order to confirm your request.
  • We monitor for suspicious activity on all debit cards. When your risk threshold is met may text or call you to alert you to verify the activity on your debit card.


  • Free (to Liberty Account Holders)

How will this help me?

  • Extra security for your account. This lets us know that your card is being used by you while you are traveling and has not been stolen.
  • From time to time, our Fraud Detection Service may call you to verify the validity of transactions taking place on your account. They will be using these two phone numbers: 800-253-8964 or 800-279-2674. It is important that you respond to these phone calls as they may restrict access to your card until they can speak to you.
  • If you want to call back to check on the status of your card call 800-262-2024 or 866-750-9107.
  • Liberty always suggests taking more than one form of payment when traveling.


Call or visit your local Financial Center today! For additional information, call 800.436.6300.