Money Smart from FDIC

Check out this free comprehensive financial education curriculum offered through FDIC. It is designed to help individuals enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. Money Smart has reached over 2.75 million consumers since 2001.

Financial education fosters financial stability for individuals, families, and entire communities. The more people know about credit and banking services, the more likely they are to increase savings, buy homes, and improve their financial health and well being.

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My Money Financial Literacy Program

  • The My Money Program is a financial literacy program dedicated to assist individuals with developmental disabilities, their family members, caregivers, support providers and other key stakeholders.
  • The program features 16 e-learning videos that include lessons on important financial topics that have been divided into easy-to-navigate steps.
  • The lessons cover money basics, money and making a plan and sources of income and savings.
  • The program is inclusive and accessible in a mobile-friendly format to encourage individuals with developmental disabilities to create their own pathway to economic and financial independence.
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